Facility update 4 greens now laid, fringes now being prepared.
Short game area ready for installation.
Foundations in with bay installation over next 14 days.
Next stage is remedial work over seeding and planting of wild flowers on the banking.
Facility update 4 greens now laid, fringes now being prepared.
Short game area ready for installation.
Foundations in with bay installation over next 14 days.
Next stage is remedial work over seeding and planting of wild flowers on the banking.
Green 1 laid this week. Massive thanks to all the members who have assisted in the project. This really helps speed up the progress and your work is very much appreciated
Week 3 – view from the bay foundations. 3 green complexes now visable with a 4th going into the banking beside the oak tree 130 yards out. Really starting to take shape. Great work from Oakbank Plant to this stage. Artificial green work will commence in the next fortnight and bay construction in coming week – 10 days.
you’ll see the location of bays & shaping of the greens starting to come together. Ideally by end of week all green complexes will be much more visible. Looking like a great outfield area.
Week one completed of the facility development project. Opened up the outfield visually creating a huge space for play.
Looking back up the facility after the first week has seen groundwork commence. Fingers crossed for good weather timeline for completion end of May/early June.
Dear Members,
As you are aware we have not commenced the construction of the Practice facility due to the inclement weather.
Please find our revised schedule of works.
Thursday 4th April – introduction of the boundary posts on the practice area which will come into play from opening day.
Please note the area is marked with plastic poles these will be replaced with timber boundary posts upon development completion.
The practice area will become an internal out of bounds from 6th April marked by the white posts!!
8th April – Practice Area will be closed and Trackman studio made available to members free of charge during this period via booking in the Professional shop subject to availability.
Monday 8th-Friday 12th April – Tree Surgery Commences – 10,000 Titleist range balls arriving & 2000 Pro V1’s land.
Monday 15th Ground works commence on Practice area – timeline 3 weeks completion.
Monday 29th April Range Construction commences & ball dispenser and washer installation
May 6th Huxley Greens installed & works competed 20th May
Facility Opening Mid June.
Fingers crossed 🤞
James Erskine
Club Professional